
In this section, we introduce each element in the task flow about their interface, typical usage, etc., in the order of their parts in the workflow. All elements are registered by an unique identifier into the global registry (defined in mmte/utils/ and can be accessed by the registry.get_**_class(id) method.


Datasets are defined to collect the samples to be tested for a specific task. It provides the prompt, image path, labels and possibly other information about the data point to the following process. Here are some technical notes about this class.

  1. The class is a subclass of the and users can iterate through the dataset by the default To customize a dataset, user need to define __getitem__ and __len__ as usual along with a collate_fn so that the dataloader can support the dataclass of TxtSample and ImageTxtSample. We provide a default one in mmte.datasets.base.collate_fn which should work for most cases, one can customized your own collate_fn if necessary.
  2. A method to further process the data for a certain task, which can be independent from the original dataset, can be optionally specified via the argument method_hook when initialization. This could make additional augmentation, attack and other preprocessing to the existing datasets more convenient. This is illustrated in the Method part.
  3. Some information about the dataset can be configured through a yaml config file, like the directory of images, the path to the annotation file.
  4. dataset_ids is the list of supported dataset_id for this class, which specify the different splits and processors in sample preparing.

Source code in mmte/datasets/ Refer to mmte/datasets/ for an example.

class BaseDataset(Dataset, ABC):
    Base class for datasets, __getitem__ function return Union[ImageTxtSample, TxtSample].

    dataset_id: str # Identifier for the dataset
    dataset_ids: Sequence[str] = [] # List of available datasets
    dataset_config: Optional[str] = "" # dataset config path

    def __init__(self, dataset_id: str, method_hook: Optional[BaseMethod] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
        Initializing dataset instance.

            dataset_id: Identifier for the dataset
            method_hook: A method instance, which is used as a preprocess hook for __getitem__ funtion
            kwargs: extra configurations


        assert dataset_id in self.dataset_ids, f"Dataset {dataset_id} must be one of {self.dataset_ids}."
        self.dataset_id = dataset_id
        if method_hook:
            self.method_hook = method_hook
            self.method_hook = None
        self.dataset: List[Any] = []

    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> _OutputType:
        if self.method_hook:
        return self.dataset[index]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.dataset)


Methods are designed for additional data processing independent from and universal across datasets, for instance, generating adversarial examples, pairing text prompts with diverse images. Users do not need to modify the code for datasets but only implement a new class of Method and pass it as a hook to the dataset. Here are some technical notes about this class.

  1. This class works as a hook in the function __getitem__ of a dataset, which is optional.
  2. For cases where new images are generated with time-consuming methods or reproducibility is needed, we can set the lazy_mode=True to utilize the previously generated samples. To tackle the challenge that text-only data may not have clear identifiers pointing to a sample, a hash function can be defined to generate the filename for the generated data.

Source code in mmte/methods/ Refer to mmte/methods/ for an example.

class BaseMethod(ABC):
    Base class for methods, which can be applied to any Dataset inherits from BaseDataset as a hook in __getitem__ function.

    method_id: str # Identifier for the method
    method_ids: List[str] # List of available methods

    def __init__(self, method_id: str, img_dir: str, lazy_mode: bool = True) -> None:
        Initializing method instance.

            method_id: Identifier for the method
            img_dir: Folder to save images
            lazy_mode: If True, it will reuse the already generated dataset. If False, it will regenerate the result

            evaluation result
        assert method_id in self.method_ids, f"Method {self.method_id} is not available. Only methods in {self.method_ids} can be used."
        self.method_id = method_id
        self.img_dir = img_dir
        self.lazy_mode = lazy_mode

    def run(self, data: _OutputType, **kwargs) -> _OutputType:
        Preprocess each sample in the Dataset one by one.

            data: Union[ImageTxtSample, TxtSample], one sample in Dataset
            kwargs: extra configurations

            processed sample
        raise NotImplementedError

    def hash(self, to_hash_str: str, **kwargs) -> str:
        Get hash code given to_hash_str, to provide an identifier for the data sample and to reuse the generated samples.

            to_hash_str: str
            kwargs: extra configurations

            hash code
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
        return*args, **kwds)


Models encapsulate the chat model of MLLMs into a unified interface for inference. This enables more convenient standardized evaluation of diverse models. Here are some technical notes about this class.

  1. chat unifies the interface for generation. messages is a list representing the conversation history, generation_kwargs is the generation configuration, indicating whether to do_sample, the setting of temperature, max_new_tokens, etc. The setting of generation configuration follows that in huggingface transformers.
  2. model_id is the unique identifier to get the chatmodel from registry_getchatmodel_class and model_family defines the list of available model identifiers.

Source code in mmte/models/ Refer to mmte/models/ for an example.

class BaseChat(ABC):
    Base class for models to be evaluated in a generative/chat manner.

    model_id: str = ''   # ID for a chat model, e.g., minigpt-4-vicuna-7b-v0
    model_arch: str = '' # Architecture of the model, e.g., minigpt-4
    model_family: List[str] = [] # List of available model_ids

    def __init__(self, model_id:str) -> None:
        self.model_id = model_id
        assert self.model_id in self.model_family, f"Model {self.model_id} is not available. Only models in {self.model_family} can be used."

    def chat(self, 
             messages: List, 
             ) -> "Response":
        Chat interface for generative evaluation with batch size of 1.

        messages: a list of messages, comprising the conversation history and following the format 
                    'role': 'system'/'user'/'assistant', 
                    'content': str/dict
            where content is a dict {'text': str, 'image_path': str} when it's multimodal.
        generation_kwargs: generation configuration specified for different models, including:
            temperature: float, usually between 0-2, smaller means more deterministic
            do_sample: bool, whether take sampling as the decoding strategy
            num_beams: int, the parameter for beam search
            max_new_tokens: int, maximal number of tokens to be generated
            stop_sequences: str/List[str], stop words where the model will stop generating further tokens
            output_scores: bool, whether return the logits of the generated tokens (not very practical)
        raise NotImplementedError


source_code: mmte/evaluators/


This class is primarily used for evaluating the results output by a chat model. The process function preprocesses the input sequences of predictions (preds) and labels (labels)—these sequences can be numerical or textual. The preprocessing aims to generate simple numerical sequences that can be directly used in the eval function, which subsequently calls the metrics function (the metrics function only accepts numerical sequences).

Currently, there are three main types of evaluators:

  1. ChatModel Evaluator: Processes and evaluates the results using a chat model.
  2. Classifier Evaluator: Scores the results using a classifier. Currently, it supports the longformer-action-ro model.
  3. Rule-based Evaluator: Includes tools for template matching for refusal and score extraction.

Evaluators can be chained together to form an evaluator sequence (refer to SequentialEvaluator for details). The primary purpose is to reuse the process functions of different evaluators (for example, first using the chat model evaluator for text preprocessing, followed by the rule-based evaluator for scoring).

class BaseEvaluator(ABC):
    Base class for evaluators, to evaluate the responses from chatmodels.

    evaluator_ids: List[str] = []
    def __init__(self, evaluator_id: str, metrics_cfg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Initializing evaluator instance.

            evaluator_id: Identifier for the evaluator
            metrics_cfg: config dict for metrics hooks, format: {metrics_id: metrics_kwargs, ...}

        assert evaluator_id in self.evaluator_ids, f"Evaluator {self.evaluator_id} is not available. Only Evaluators in {self.evaluator_ids} can be used."

        self.evaluator_id = evaluator_id

        self.metrics_cfg = metrics_cfg
        for metrics_id in self.metrics_cfg.keys():
            assert metrics_id in _supported_metrics.keys(), f"{metrics_id} is not supported."

    def process(self, preds: Sequence[Any], labels: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, extras: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Sequence[Any], Sequence[Any]]:
        1. Perform some processing on sequence data, mainly including scoring/text-extraction with chatmodel/classifier/rule-based, etc.
        2. Different evaluators can be concatenated, and the process function can be cascaded to perform multi-step processing on sequence data.

            preds: responses from chatmodels or preds from `process` function of another evaluator
            labels: groundtruth labels or labels from `process` function of another evaluator
            extras: extra parameters or extra sequence from `process` function of another evaluator

            preds: processed preds sequence
            labels: processed labels sequence
            extras: processed extra sequence

        # no-op
        return preds, labels, extras

    def eval(self, preds: Sequence[Any], labels: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, extras: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Union[Sequence, float]]:
        Evaluate pipeline including data processing and metrics calculation.

            preds: responses from chatmodels
            labels: groundtruth labels
            extras: extra parameters


        processed_preds, processed_labels, processed_extras = self.process(preds, labels, extras)
        results = {}

        for metrics_id, kwargs in self.metrics_cfg.items():
            metrics_fn = _supported_metrics[metrics_id]
            results[metrics_id] = metrics_fn(processed_labels, processed_preds, **kwargs)

        return results

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
        return self.eval(*args, **kwds)


class SequentialEvaluator:
    Class for cascading evaluators to perform multi-step processing on sequence data and get results from final sequence data.

    def __init__(self, evaluator_seq_cfg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Initializing sequence-evaluator instance.

            evaluator_seq_cfg: config dict for instantiatizing evaluators, format: {evaluator: evaluator_kwargs, ...}


        evaluator_seq, evaluator_cls_names = [], []
        for evaluator_id, evaluator_kwargs in evaluator_seq_cfg.items():
            evaluator_cls = registry.get_evaluator_class(evaluator_id)
            evaluator = evaluator_cls(evaluator_id, **evaluator_kwargs)
        self.evaluator_seq = evaluator_seq
        self.keyname_prefix_seq = self.create_sequence_list(evaluator_cls_names)

    def create_sequence_list(self, input_list: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        result = []
        current = ""
        for item in input_list:
            if current:
                current += f"->{item}"
                current = item
        return result

    def eval(self, preds: Sequence[Any], labels: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, extras: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Union[Sequence, float]]:
        Evaluate pipeline including data processing and metrics calculation.

            preds: responses from chatmodels
            labels: groundtruth labels
            extras: extra parameters

        prefix_results = {}
        seq_len = len(self.evaluator_seq)
        for evaluator_idx, (evaluator, keyname_prefix) in enumerate(zip(self.evaluator_seq, self.keyname_prefix_seq)):
            if evaluator_idx < seq_len - 1:
                preds, labels, extras = evaluator.process(preds, labels, extras)
                prefix_results.update({f"{keyname_prefix}:pred_no_op": preds})
                # final evaluator
                results = evaluator(preds, labels, extras)
                prefix_results.update({f"{keyname_prefix}:{key}": value for key, value in results.items()})

        return prefix_results

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
        return self.eval(*args, **kwds)


We pre-define some common metrics for users to call. These functions to calculate metrics take two array-like arguments of digits to compute the statistical or sample-wise results. We also consider some cases where simple operations of aggregation are needed, e.g., sum, mean.

Source code in mmte/evaluators/

Input Requirement
y_true: 1d array-like
y_pred: 1d array-like

_supported_metrics = {
    # aggregation op
    "pred_no_op": pred_no_op,
    "pred_sum": pred_sum,
    "pred_mean": pred_mean,

    # general metrics
    "accuracy_score": accuracy_score,
    "precision_score": precision_score,
    "recall_score": recall_score, 
    "f1_score": f1_score,
    "pearson_corr": pearson_corr,
    "failure": failure,