Tutorial to Add Tasks

Using the example of Privacy Task P3: infoflow-expectation with dataset confaide-unrelated-image-color:

Define the Dataset

Define the dataset and register the dataset_id: confaide-unrelated-image-color (refer to mmte/datasets/confaide.py).

If you need to do some preprocessing to your custom dataset, please define Method and use it as a hook function in your dataset.

Define the Evaluator

Define the evaluator and register the evaluator_id: rule_match_and_score_eval (refer to mmte/evaluators/rule_eval.py).

If additional metrics are required, modify mmte/evaluators/metrics.py and register the metrics_fn in _supported_metrics.

Edit task_config.yaml

(refer to mmte/configs/task/privacy/infoflow.yaml)

dataset_id: "confaide-unrelated-image-color"
model_id: "llava-v1.5-7b"

log_file: "./logs/privacy/infoflow.json"

        { metrics_cfg: { pearson_corr: {}, failure: {} } },

Run with a Single Command

python run_task.py --config mmte/configs/task/privacy/infoflow.yaml

To modify configurations without changing the yaml file, one can ADD or OVERWRITE configurations in yaml files using the --cfg-options parameter. For example:

python run_task.py --config mmte/configs/task/privacy/infoflow.yaml --cfg-options dataset_id=confaide-image log_file="logs/privacy/infoflow-confaide-image.json"