Source code for ares.attack.detection.patch.patch_applier

import torch.nn as nn
from ares.utils.registry import Registry
from .patch_transform import *

[docs]class PatchApplier(nn.Module): """This class transforms adversarial patches and applies them to bboxes. Args: cfg (mmengine.config.ConfigDict): Configs of adversarial patches. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.train_transforms = self.build_transforms(training=True) self.test_transforms = self.build_transforms(training=False) self.bbox_coordinate_mode = None
[docs] def forward(self, img_batch: torch.Tensor, adv_patch: torch.Tensor, bboxes_list: torch.Tensor, labels_list: [torch.Tensor]): """ This function transforms and applies corresponding adversarial patches for each provided bounding box. Args: img_batch (torch.Tensor): Batch image tensor. Shape: [N, C=3, H, W]. adv_patch: Adversarial patch tensor. Shape: [num_clasess, C=3, H, W]. bboxes_list: List of bboxes (torch.Tensor) with shape [:, 4]. Length: N. labels_list: List of labels (torch.Tensor) with shape [:]. Length: N. Returns: torch.Tensor: Image tensor with patches applied to. Shape: [N,C,H,W]. """ max_num_bboxes_per_image = max([bboxes.shape[0] for bboxes in bboxes_list]) if max_num_bboxes_per_image == 0: # no gt bboxes to apply patches return img_batch adv_patch_batch, padded_bboxes = self.pad_patches_boxes(adv_patch, bboxes_list, labels_list, max_num_bboxes_per_image) target_size = img_batch.shape[-2:] # (H, W) if self.bbox_coordinate_mode is None: max_, min_ = padded_bboxes.max(), padded_bboxes.min() if max_ > 1.0001 and min_ >= 0.0: self.bbox_coordinate_mode = 'pixel' elif max_ <= 1.0 and min_ >= 0.0: self.bbox_coordinate_mode = 'normed' else: raise ValueError(f'Not supported bbox coordinate mode. Expected bbox coorninate range [0, 1] or [0, image_size], but got max value {max_}, min value {min_}') if self.bbox_coordinate_mode != 'pixel': padded_bboxes[:, :, 0::2] *= target_size[1] padded_bboxes[:, :, 1::2] *= target_size[0] if adv_patch_batch = self.train_transforms(adv_patch_batch, padded_bboxes, target_size) else: adv_patch_batch = self.test_transforms(adv_patch_batch, padded_bboxes, target_size) adv_img_batch = self.apply_patch(img_batch, adv_patch_batch) return adv_img_batch
[docs] def pad_patches_boxes(self, adv_patch, bboxes_list, labels_list, max_num_bboxes_per_image): selected_adv_patches = [] padded_bboxes = [] for i in range(len(bboxes_list)): patches = adv_patch[labels_list[i]] patches =, torch.zeros((max_num_bboxes_per_image - patches.shape[0], *patches.shape[1:]), device=patches.device)), dim=0) bboxes = bboxes_list[i] bboxes = (bboxes, torch.zeros((max_num_bboxes_per_image - bboxes.shape[0], 4), device=bboxes.device)), dim=0) selected_adv_patches.append(patches) padded_bboxes.append(bboxes) adv_patch_batch = torch.stack(selected_adv_patches) padded_bboxes = torch.stack(padded_bboxes) return adv_patch_batch, padded_bboxes
[docs] def apply_patch(self, images, adv_patches): advs = torch.unbind(adv_patches, 1) for adv in advs: images = torch.where((adv == 0), images, adv) return images
[docs] def build_transforms(self, training=True): transforms = [] transform_pipeline = self.cfg.train_transforms if training else self.cfg.test_transforms for transform in transform_pipeline: name = transform['type'] kwargs = transform['kwargs'] if name == 'ScalePatchesToBoxes': kwargs.update({'size': self.cfg.size}) transforms.append(Registry.get_transform(name)(**kwargs)) return Compose(transforms)