import math
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ares.utils.registry import Registry
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair, _quadruple
from torchvision.transforms import RandomHorizontalFlip
[docs]class Compose:
"""Composes several transforms together. This transform does not support torchscript.
Please, see the note below.
transforms (list of ``Transform`` objects): List of transforms to compose.
>>> Compose([
>>> MedianPool2d(7),
>>> RandomJitter(),
>>> ])
[docs] def __init__(self, transforms):
self.transforms = transforms
def __call__(self, img, padded_bboxes, target_size):
for t in self.transforms:
if isinstance(t, ScalePatchesToBoxes):
img = t(img, padded_bboxes, target_size)
img = t(img)
return img
def __repr__(self) -> str:
format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + "("
for t in self.transforms:
format_string += "\n"
format_string += f" {t}"
format_string += "\n)"
return format_string
class RandomHorizontalFlip(RandomHorizontalFlip):
"""See torchvision.transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip for details."""
class ScalePatchesToBoxes:
""" This class scales the given pathes to proper sizes and shifts them to the given bounding boxes
positions in the all-zero image tensors.
size (int): Size of the square patch.
scale_rate (float): Patch scale rate compared to the target bboxes sizes.
rotate_angle (float): Max rotate angle.
rand_shift_rate (float): Max random shift rate.
rand_rotate (bool): Whether to randomly rotate.
rand_shift (bool): Whether to randomly shift.
[docs] def __init__(self, size: int, scale_rate: float = 0.2,
rotate_angle: float = 20, rand_shift_rate: float = 0.4,
rand_rotate: bool = False, rand_shift: bool = False):
self.size = size
self.scale_rate = scale_rate
self.rotate_angle = rotate_angle / 180 * math.pi
self.rand_shift_rate = rand_shift_rate
self.rand_rotate = rand_rotate
self.rand_shift = rand_shift
def __call__(self, adv_patch_batch, bboxes_batch, target_size):
"""Transform patches to the target size and position.
adv_patch_batch (torch.Tensor): Patch image tensor. Shape: [N, n, C, H, W] where n is num_bboxes_in_each_image.
bboxes_batch (torch.Tensor): Batched bboxes tensor. Shape: [n, C, 4].
target_size (torch.Size): Size (H, W) of target image. Size: [2].
torch.Tensor: Patch image tensor. Shape: [N, n, C, H, W].
batch_size, num_bboxes_in_each_image = adv_patch_batch.shape[:2]
H, W = target_size
bboxes_size = batch_size * num_bboxes_in_each_image
assert self.size <= H and self.size <= W, f'Patch size should be smaller than input image height and width, but got patch size {self.size}, image height {H} and image width {W}!'
pad_left_right = (W - self.size) / 2
pad_top_bottom = (H - self.size) / 2
adv_patch_batch = F.pad(adv_patch_batch,
(int(pad_left_right + 0.5), int(pad_left_right),
int(pad_top_bottom + 0.5), int(pad_top_bottom)),
'constant', value=0) # (LRTB)
# -------------Shift & Random relocate--------------
# bbox format is [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
bw = bboxes_batch[:, :, 2] - bboxes_batch[:, :, 0]
bh = bboxes_batch[:, :, 3] - bboxes_batch[:, :, 1]
target_cx = (bboxes_batch[:, :, 0] + bboxes_batch[:, :, 2]).view(bboxes_size) / 2
target_cy = (bboxes_batch[:, :, 1] + bboxes_batch[:, :, 3]).view(bboxes_size) / 2
if self.rand_shift:
target_cx = self.random_shift(target_cx, bw / 2)
target_cy = self.random_shift(target_cy, bh / 2)
target_cx, target_cy = target_cx / W, target_cy / H
tx = (0.5 - target_cx) * 2
ty = (0.5 - target_cy) * 2
# -----------------------Scale--------------------------
# follow AdvPatch (''). You may use a different method to calculate the target size.
# TODO: calculating scale using a new way.
target_size = self.scale_rate * torch.sqrt((bw ** 2) + (bh ** 2)).view(bboxes_size)
scale = target_size / self.size
# ----------------Random Rotate-------------------------
angle = torch.FloatTensor(bboxes_size).fill_(0).to(adv_patch_batch.device)
if self.rand_rotate:
angle = angle.uniform_(-self.rotate_angle, self.rotate_angle)
sin = torch.sin(angle)
cos = torch.cos(angle)
# ----------Ready for the affine matrix-------------
theta = torch.FloatTensor(bboxes_size, 2, 3).fill_(0).to(adv_patch_batch.device)
theta[:, 0, 0] = cos / scale
theta[:, 0, 1] = sin / scale
theta[:, 0, 2] = tx * cos / scale + ty * sin / scale
theta[:, 1, 0] = -sin / scale
theta[:, 1, 1] = cos / scale
theta[:, 1, 2] = -tx * sin / scale + ty * cos / scale
adv_patch_batch = adv_patch_batch.view(bboxes_size, 3, adv_patch_batch.shape[-2], adv_patch_batch.shape[-1])
grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size([bboxes_size, 3, H, W]))
adv_patch_batch_t = F.grid_sample(adv_patch_batch, grid)
return adv_patch_batch_t.view(batch_size, num_bboxes_in_each_image, 3, H, W)
[docs] def random_shift(self, x, limited_range):
shift = limited_range * torch.cuda.FloatTensor(x.size()).uniform_(-self.rand_shift_rate, self.rand_shift_rate)
return x + shift
class RandomJitter:
This RandomJitter class applies jitter of contrast, brightness and noise to the given tensor.
min_contrast (float): Min contrast.
max_contrast (float): Max contrast.
min_brightness (float): Min brightness.
max_brightness (float): Max brightness.
noise_factor (float): Noise factor.
[docs] def __init__(self, min_contrast: float = 0.8, max_contrast: float = 1.2,
min_brightness: float = -0.1, max_brightness: float = 0.1,
noise_factor: float = 0.10):
self.min_contrast = min_contrast
self.max_contrast = max_contrast
self.min_brightness = min_brightness
self.max_brightness = max_brightness
self.noise_factor = noise_factor
def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor):
tensor_shape = x.shape[:2] + (1,) * (x.dim() - 2)
contrast = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(tensor_shape).uniform_(self.min_contrast, self.max_contrast)
contrast = contrast.expand_as(x)
# Create random brightness tensor
brightness = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(tensor_shape).uniform_(self.min_brightness, self.max_brightness)
brightness = brightness.expand_as(x)
# Create random noise tensor
noise = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(x.size()).uniform_(-1, 1) * self.noise_factor
# Apply contrast/brightness/noise, clamp
x = contrast * x + brightness + noise
return torch.clamp(x, 0, 1)
class CutOut:
"""Cutout areas of image tensor.
cutout_ratio (float): Cutout area ratio of the patch.
cutout_fill (float): Value(>0) to fill the cutout area.
rand_shift (float): Cutout area to shift.
level (str): Which level to randomly cut out. Supported levels: 'instance', 'batch' and 'image'.
p_erase (float): Probability to carry out Cutout.
verbose (bool): Whether to print information of parameters.
def __int__(self, cutout_ratio: float = 0.4, cutout_fill: float = 0.5,
rand_shift: float = -0.05, level: str = 'instance',
p_erase: float = 0.9, verbose: bool = False):
self.cutout_ratio = cutout_ratio
self.cutout_fill = cutout_fill
self.rand_shift = rand_shift
self.level = level
self.p_erase = p_erase
self.verbose = verbose
def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor):
if self.verbose:
print('Cutout level: ', self.level, '; cutout ratio: ', self.cutout_ratio, '; random shift: ',
gate = torch.tensor([0]).bernoulli_(self.p_erase)
if gate.item() == 0: return x
assert self.cutout_fill > 0, 'Error! The cutout area can\'t be filled with 0'
s = x.shape
batch_size = s[0]
lab_len = s[1]
bboxes_shape = s[:2] + (1,) * (x.dim() - 2)
bboxes_size =[batch_size, lab_len])
if self.level == "instance":
target_size = bboxes_size
elif self.level == "image":
target_size = batch_size
elif self.level == 'batch':
target_size = 1
bg = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(bboxes_shape).fill_(self.cutout_fill).expand_as(x)
angle = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(target_size).fill_(0)
if self.level != 'instance':
angle = angle.unsqueeze(-1).expand(s[0], s[1]).reshape(-1)
sin = torch.sin(angle)
cos = torch.cos(angle)
target_cx = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(target_size).uniform_(self.rand_shift, 1 - self.rand_shift)
target_cy = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(target_size).uniform_(self.rand_shift, 1 - self.rand_shift)
if self.level != 'instance':
target_cx = target_cx.unsqueeze(-1).expand(s[0], s[1]).reshape(-1)
target_cy = target_cy.unsqueeze(-1).expand(s[0], s[1]).reshape(-1)
tx = (0.5 - target_cx) * 2
ty = (0.5 - target_cy) * 2
# TODO: This assumes the patch is in a square-shape
scale = self.cutout_ratio
theta = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(bboxes_size, 2, 3).fill_(0)
theta[:, 0, 0] = cos / scale
theta[:, 0, 1] = sin / scale
theta[:, 0, 2] = tx * cos / scale + ty * sin / scale
theta[:, 1, 0] = -sin / scale
theta[:, 1, 1] = cos / scale
theta[:, 1, 2] = -tx * sin / scale + ty * cos / scale
bg = bg.view(bboxes_size, s[2], s[3], s[4])
x = x.view(bboxes_size, s[2], s[3], s[4])
grid = F.affine_grid(theta, bg.shape)
bg = F.grid_sample(bg, grid)
x_t = torch.where((bg == 0), x, bg)
return x_t.view(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4])