Source code for ares.attack.si_ni_fgsm

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize
from ares.utils.loss import loss_adv
from ares.utils.registry import registry

[docs]@registry.register_attack('si_ni_fgsm') class SI_NI_FGSM(object): ''' Nesterov Accelerated Gradient and Scale Invariance with FGSM. A black-box attack method. Example: >>> from ares.utils.registry import registry >>> attacker_cls = registry.get_attack('si_ni_fgsm') >>> attacker = attacker_cls(model) >>> adv_images = attacker(images, labels, target_labels) - Supported distance metric: 1, 2, np.inf. - References: '''
[docs] def __init__(self, model, device='cuda', norm=np.inf, eps=4/255, stepsize=1/255, steps=20, scale_factor=1, decay_factor=1.0, loss='ce', target=False): '''The initialize function for PGD. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The target model to be attacked. device (torch.device): The device to perform autoattack. Defaults to 'cuda'. norm (float): The norm of distance calculation for adversarial constraint. Defaults to np.inf. eps (float): The maximum perturbation range epsilon. stepsize (float): The attack range for each step. steps (int): The number of attack iteration. scale_factor (float): The scale factor. decay_factor (float): The decay factor. loss (str): The loss function. target (bool): Conduct target/untarget attack. Defaults to False. ''' self.epsilon = eps self.p = norm = model self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.decay_factor = decay_factor self.stepsize = stepsize = target self.steps = steps self.loss = loss self.device = device
def __call__(self, images=None, labels=None, target_labels=None): '''This function perform attack on target images with corresponding labels and target labels for target attack. Args: images (torch.Tensor): The images to be attacked. The images should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, C, H, W] and range [0, 1]. labels (torch.Tensor): The corresponding labels of the images. The labels should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, ] target_labels (torch.Tensor): The target labels for target attack. The labels should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, ] Returns: torch.Tensor: Adversarial images with value range [0,1]. ''' images, labels =, if target_labels is not None: target_labels = batchsize = images.shape[0] advimage = images # PGD to get adversarial example momentum = torch.zeros_like(images).detach() for i in range(self.steps): advimage_nes = advimage + self.decay_factor * self.stepsize * momentum grads = torch.zeros_like(images).to(self.device) for j in range(self.scale_factor): x_s = (advimage_nes / 2**(j)).requires_grad_(True) netOut = loss = loss_adv(self.loss, netOut, labels, target_labels,, self.device) loss.backward(retain_graph=True) grads += torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x_s])[0].detach() grads_norm = torch.norm(nn.Flatten()(grads), p=1, dim=1) grads = grads / grads_norm.view([-1]+[1]*(len(grads.shape)-1)) grads = self.decay_factor * momentum + grads momentum = grads if self.p==np.inf: updates = grads.sign() else: normVal = torch.norm(grads.view(batchsize, -1), self.p, 1) updates = grads/normVal.view(batchsize, 1, 1, 1) updates = updates*self.stepsize advimage = advimage + updates # project the disturbed image to feasible set if needed delta = advimage-images if self.p==np.inf: delta = torch.clamp(delta, -self.epsilon, self.epsilon) else: normVal = torch.norm(delta.view(batchsize, -1), self.p, 1) mask = normVal<=self.epsilon scaling = self.epsilon/normVal scaling[mask] = 1 delta = delta*scaling.view(batchsize, 1, 1, 1) advimage = images+delta advimage= torch.clamp(advimage, 0, 1)#cifar10(-1,1) return advimage
[docs] def attack_detection_forward(self, batch_data, excluded_losses, scale_factor=255.0, object_vanish_only=False): """This function is used to attack object detection models. Args: batch_data (dict): {'inputs': torch.Tensor with shape [N,C,H,W] and value range [0, 1], 'data_samples': list of mmdet.structures.DetDataSample}. excluded_losses (list): List of losses not used to compute the attack loss. scale_factor (float): Factor used to scale adv images. object_vanish_only (bool): When True, just make objects vanish only. Returns: torch.Tensor: Adversarial images with value range [0,1]. """ images = batch_data['inputs'] batchsize = len(images) advimages = images # PGD to get adversarial example momentum = torch.zeros_like(images).detach() for i in range(self.steps): advimage_nes = advimages + self.decay_factor * self.stepsize * momentum grads = torch.zeros_like(images).to(self.device) for j in range(self.scale_factor): x_s = (advimage_nes / 2 ** (j)).requires_grad_(True) # normalize images for detector inputs normed_x_s = normalize(x_s * scale_factor,, losses =, batch_data['data_samples']) loss = [] for key in losses.keys(): if isinstance(losses[key], list): losses[key] = torch.stack(losses[key]).mean() kept = True for excluded_loss in excluded_losses: if excluded_loss in key: kept = False continue if kept and 'loss' in key: loss.append(losses[key].mean().unsqueeze(0)) if object_vanish_only: loss = - torch.stack(loss).mean() else: loss = torch.stack((loss)).mean() loss.backward(retain_graph=True) grads += x_s.grad.detach() grads_norm = torch.norm(nn.Flatten()(grads), p=1, dim=1) grads = grads / grads_norm.view([-1] + [1] * (len(grads.shape) - 1)) grads = self.decay_factor * momentum + grads momentum = grads if self.p == np.inf: updates = grads.sign() else: normVal = torch.norm(grads.view(batchsize, -1), self.p, 1) updates = grads / normVal.view(batchsize, 1, 1, 1) updates = updates * self.stepsize advimages = advimages + updates # project the disturbed image to feasible set if needed delta = advimages - images if self.p == np.inf: delta = torch.clamp(delta, -self.epsilon, self.epsilon) else: normVal = torch.norm(delta.view(batchsize, -1), self.p, 1) mask = normVal <= self.epsilon scaling = self.epsilon / normVal scaling[mask] = 1 delta = delta * scaling.view(batchsize, 1, 1, 1) advimages = images + delta advimages = torch.clamp(advimages, 0, 1) return advimages