Source code for ares.attack.tta

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
from ares.utils.registry import registry

# evaluate simple transferable attacks in the single-model transfer setting
[docs]def gkern(kernlen=15, nsig=3): x = np.linspace(-nsig, nsig, kernlen) kern1d = st.norm.pdf(x) kernel_raw = np.outer(kern1d, kern1d) kernel = kernel_raw / kernel_raw.sum() return kernel
[docs]def TI_tta(kernel_size=5, nsig=3): channels=3 kernel = gkern(kernel_size, nsig).astype(np.float32) gaussian_kernel = np.stack([kernel, kernel, kernel]) gaussian_kernel = np.expand_dims(gaussian_kernel, 1) gaussian_kernel = torch.from_numpy(gaussian_kernel) return gaussian_kernel
## define Po+Trip
[docs]def Poincare_dis(a, b): L2_a = torch.sum(torch.square(a), 1) L2_b = torch.sum(torch.square(b), 1) theta = 2 * torch.sum(torch.square(a - b), 1) / ((1 - L2_a) * (1 - L2_b)) distance = torch.mean(torch.acosh(1.0 + theta)) return distance
[docs]def Cos_dis(a, b): a_b = torch.abs(torch.sum(torch.multiply(a, b), 1)) L2_a = torch.sum(torch.square(a), 1) L2_b = torch.sum(torch.square(b), 1) distance = torch.mean(a_b / torch.sqrt(L2_a * L2_b)) return distance
[docs]@registry.register_attack('tta') class TTA(object): '''Transferable Targeted Attacks. Example: >>> from ares.utils.registry import registry >>> attacker_cls = registry.get_attack('tta') >>> attacker = attacker_cls(model) >>> adv_images = attacker(images, labels, target_labels) - Supported distance metric: 1, 2, np.inf. - References: '''
[docs] def __init__(self, model, device='cuda', norm=np.inf, eps=4/255, stepsize=1/255, steps=20, kernel_size=5, nsig=3, resize_rate=0.85, diversity_prob=0.7, loss='ce', target=True): '''The initialize function for TTA. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The target model to be attacked. device (torch.device): The device to perform autoattack. Defaults to 'cuda'. norm (float): The norm of distance calculation for adversarial constraint. Defaults to np.inf. eps (float): The maximum perturbation range epsilon. stepsize (float): The attack range for each step. steps (int): The number of attack iteration. kernel_size (int): The size for gaussian kernel. nsig (float): The sigma for gaussian kernel. resize_rate (float): The resize rate for input transform. diversity_prob (float): The probability of input transform. loss (str): The loss function. target (bool): Conduct target/untarget attack. Defaults to True. ''' self.epsilon = eps self.p = norm = model self.stepsize = stepsize self.steps = steps self.loss = loss = target self.device = device self.resize_rate=resize_rate self.diversity_prob=diversity_prob self.gaussian_kernel=TI_tta(kernel_size, nsig).to(device)
[docs] def ce_loss(self, outputs, labels, target_labels): '''Function of ce loss for TTA.''' loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() if cost = loss(outputs, target_labels) else: cost = -loss(outputs, labels) return cost
[docs] def logits_loss(self, outputs, labels, target_labels): '''The logits function.''' loss=None if real = outputs.gather(1,target_labels.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1) logit_dists = ( -1 * real) loss = logit_dists.sum() else: raise Exception('Untarget attack not supported in logits loss.') return loss
[docs] def po_trip_loss(self, outputs, labels, target_labels): '''The function to calculate po trip loss.''' loss=None if batch_size_cur = outputs.shape[0] labels_onehot = torch.zeros(batch_size_cur, 1000, device=self.device) labels_onehot.scatter_(1, target_labels.unsqueeze(1), 1) labels_true_onehot = torch.zeros(batch_size_cur, 1000, device=self.device) labels_true_onehot.scatter_(1, labels.unsqueeze(1), 1) labels_infhot = torch.zeros_like(labels_onehot).scatter_(1, target_labels.unsqueeze(1), float('inf')) loss_po = Poincare_dis(outputs / torch.sum(torch.abs(outputs), 1, keepdim=True),torch.clamp((labels_onehot - 0.00001), 0.0, 1.0)) loss_cos = torch.clamp(Cos_dis(labels_onehot, outputs) - Cos_dis(labels_true_onehot, outputs) + 0.007, 0.0, 2.1) loss=loss_po + 0.01 * loss_cos else: raise Exception('Untarget attack not supported in po_trip loss.') return loss
def __call__(self, images=None, labels=None, target_labels=None): '''This function perform attack on target images with corresponding labels and target labels for target attack. Args: images (torch.Tensor): The images to be attacked. The images should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, C, H, W] and range [0, 1]. labels (torch.Tensor): The corresponding labels of the images. The labels should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, ] target_labels (torch.Tensor): The target labels for target attack. The labels should be torch.Tensor with shape [N, ] Returns: torch.Tensor: Adversarial images with value range [0,1]. ''' #Logit images,, if target_labels is not None: target_labels = batchsize = images.shape[0] delta = torch.zeros_like(images,requires_grad=True).to(self.device) grad_pre = 0 prev = float('inf') for t in range(self.steps): outputs = + delta)) if self.loss=='logits': loss = self.logits_loss(outputs, labels, target_labels) elif self.loss=="ce": loss = self.ce_loss(outputs, labels, target_labels) if self.loss=='po_trip': loss = self.po_trip_loss(outputs, labels, target_labels) loss.backward() grad_c = delta.grad.clone() grad_c = F.conv2d(grad_c, self.gaussian_kernel, bias=None, stride=1, padding=(2,2), groups=3) #TI grad_a = grad_c + 1 * grad_pre #MI grad_pre = grad_a delta.grad.zero_() = - self.stepsize * torch.sign(grad_a) =, self.epsilon) = ((images +,1)) - images advimage = return advimage
[docs] def input_diversity(self, x): '''The function to perform random input transform.''' img_size = x.shape[-1] img_resize = int(img_size * self.resize_rate) if self.resize_rate < 1: img_size = img_resize img_resize = x.shape[-1] rnd = torch.randint(low=img_size, high=img_resize, size=(1,), dtype=torch.int32) rescaled = F.interpolate(x, size=[rnd, rnd], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) h_rem = img_resize - rnd w_rem = img_resize - rnd pad_top = torch.randint(low=0, high=h_rem.item(), size=(1,), dtype=torch.int32) pad_bottom = h_rem - pad_top pad_left = torch.randint(low=0, high=w_rem.item(), size=(1,), dtype=torch.int32) pad_right = w_rem - pad_left padded = F.pad(rescaled, [pad_left.item(), pad_right.item(), pad_top.item(), pad_bottom.item()], value=0) return padded if torch.rand(1) < self.diversity_prob else x