Source code for ares.utils.adv

from contextlib import suppress
import torch
from timm.loss import LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy, SoftTargetCrossEntropy

[docs]class AttackerStep: ''' Generic class for attacker steps, under perturbation constraints specified by an "origin input" and a perturbation magnitude. Must implement project, step, and random_perturb '''
[docs] def __init__(self, orig_input, eps, step_size, use_grad=True): ''' Initialize the attacker step with a given perturbation magnitude. Args: eps (float): the perturbation magnitude orig_input (torch.Tensor): the original input ''' self.orig_input = orig_input self.eps = eps self.step_size = step_size self.use_grad = use_grad
[docs] def project(self, x): ''' Given an input x, project it back into the feasible set Args: x (torch.Tensor): the input to project back into the feasible set. Returns: A torch.Tensor that is the input projected back into the feasible set, that is, .. math:: \min_{x' \in S} \|x' - x\|_2 ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def step(self, x, g): ''' Given a gradient, make the appropriate step according to the perturbation constraint (e.g. dual norm maximization for :math:`\ell_p` norms). :param x (torch.Tensor): The input to project back into the feasible set. :param g (torch.Tensor): The raw gradient :return: The new input, a torch.Tensor for the next step. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def random_perturb(self, x): ''' Given a starting input, take a random step within the feasible set ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_image(self, x): ''' Given an input (which may be in an alternative parameterization), convert it to a valid image (this is implemented as the identity function by default as most of the time we use the pixel parameterization, but for alternative parameterizations this functino must be overriden). ''' return x
# L-infinity threat model
[docs]class LinfStep(AttackerStep): """ Attack step for :math:`\ell_\infty` threat model. Given :math:`x_0` and :math:`\epsilon`, the constraint set is given by: .. math:: S = \{x | \|x - x_0\|_\infty \leq \epsilon\} """
[docs] def project(self, x): """ """ diff = x - self.orig_input diff = torch.clamp(diff, -self.eps, self.eps) return torch.clamp(diff + self.orig_input, 0, 1)
[docs] def step(self, x, g): """ """ step = torch.sign(g) * self.step_size return x + step
[docs] def random_perturb(self, x): """ """ new_x = x + 2 * (torch.rand_like(x) - 0.5) * self.eps return torch.clamp(new_x, 0, 1)
[docs] def random_uniform(self, x): noise=torch.rand_like(x) noise.uniform_(-self.eps, self.eps) return torch.clamp(x+noise, 0, 1)
[docs]def clamp(X, lower_limit, upper_limit): return torch.max(torch.min(X, upper_limit), lower_limit)
[docs]def replace_best(loss, bloss, x, bx): if bloss is None: bx = x.clone().detach() bloss = loss.clone().detach() else: replace = bloss < loss bx[replace] = x[replace].clone().detach() bloss[replace] = loss[replace] return bloss, bx
[docs]def replace_best_reverse(loss, bloss, x, bx): if bloss is None: bx = x.clone().detach() bloss = loss.clone().detach() else: replace = bloss > loss bx[replace] = x[replace].clone().detach() bloss[replace] = loss[replace] return bloss, bx
[docs]def adv_generator(args, images, target, model, eps, attack_steps, attack_lr, random_start, attack_criterion='regular', use_best=True): # denorm images to 0-1 std_tensor=torch.Tensor(args.std).cuda(non_blocking=True)[None, :, None, None] mean_tensor=torch.Tensor(args.mean).cuda(non_blocking=True)[None, :, None, None] images=images*std_tensor+mean_tensor # define perturbation range prev_training = bool( model.eval() orig_input = images.detach().cuda(non_blocking=True) step = LinfStep(eps=eps, orig_input=orig_input, step_size=attack_lr) # define loss function if attack_criterion == 'regular': attack_criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') elif attack_criterion == 'smooth': attack_criterion = LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy() elif attack_criterion == 'mixup': attack_criterion = SoftTargetCrossEntropy() # amp_autocast amp_autocast=suppress if args.amp_version == 'native': amp_autocast = torch.cuda.amp.autocast # adv generation best_loss = None best_x = None if random_start: images = step.random_perturb(images) else: images = step.random_uniform(images) for _ in range(attack_steps): images = images.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) # forward adv_losses=None with amp_autocast(): adv_losses = attack_criterion(model((images-mean_tensor)/std_tensor), target) # backward if args.amp_version == 'apex': from apex import amp with amp.scale_loss(torch.mean(adv_losses), []) as sl: sl.backward() else: torch.mean(adv_losses).backward() # update gradient grad = images.grad.detach() with torch.no_grad(): varlist = [adv_losses, best_loss, images, best_x] best_loss, best_x = replace_best(*varlist) if use_best else (adv_losses, images) images = step.step(images, grad) images = step.project(images) adv_losses = attack_criterion(model(images), target) varlist = [adv_losses, best_loss, images, best_x] best_loss, best_x = replace_best(*varlist) if use_best else (adv_losses, images) if prev_training: model.train() best_x=(best_x-mean_tensor)/std_tensor return best_x
[docs]class LinfStepEps(AttackerStep): """ Attack step for :math:`\ell_\infty` threat model. Given :math:`x_0` and :math:`\epsilon`, the constraint set is given by: .. math:: S = \{x | \|x - x_0\|_\infty \leq \epsilon\} """
[docs] def project(self, x): """ """ diff = x - self.orig_input diff = torch.minimum(torch.maximum(diff, -self.eps.repeat(x.size()[1],x.size()[2],x.size()[3],1).permute(3,0,1,2)), self.eps.repeat(x.size()[1],x.size()[2],x.size()[3],1).permute(3,0,1,2)) return torch.clamp(diff + self.orig_input, 0, 1)
[docs] def step(self, x, g): """ """ step = torch.sign(g) * self.step_size.repeat(x.size()[1],x.size()[2],x.size()[3],1).permute(3,0,1,2) return x + step
[docs] def random_perturb(self, x): """ """ new_x = x + 2 * (torch.rand_like(x) - 0.5) * self.eps.repeat(x.size()[1],x.size()[2],x.size()[3],1).permute(3,0,1,2) return torch.clamp(new_x, 0, 1)
[docs]class PgdAttackEps(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, batch_size, goal, distance_metric, magnitude=4/255, alpha=1/255, iteration=100, num_restart=1, random_start=True, use_best=False, device=None, _logger=None): self.model=model self.batch_size=batch_size self.goal=goal self.distance_metric=distance_metric self.magnitude=magnitude self.alpha=alpha self.iteration=iteration self.num_restart=num_restart self.random_start=random_start self.use_best=use_best self.device=device self._logger=_logger
[docs] def config(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def batch_attack(self, input_image, label, target_label): # generate adversarial examples prev_training = bool( self.model.eval() orig_input = input_image.clone().detach().cuda(non_blocking=True) attack_criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') best_loss = None best_x = None for _ in range(self.num_restart): step = LinfStepEps(eps=self.magnitude, orig_input=orig_input, step_size=self.alpha) images = orig_input.clone().detach() if self.random_start: images = step.random_perturb(images) for _ in range(self.iteration): images = images.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) adv_losses = attack_criterion(self.model(images), label) torch.mean(adv_losses).backward() grad = images.grad.detach() with torch.no_grad(): varlist = [adv_losses, best_loss, images, best_x] best_loss, best_x = replace_best(*varlist) if self.use_best else (adv_losses, images) images = step.step(images, grad) images = step.project(images) adv_losses = attack_criterion(self.model(images), label) varlist = [adv_losses, best_loss, images, best_x] best_loss, best_x = replace_best(*varlist) if self.use_best else (adv_losses, images) if prev_training: self.model.train() return best_x